Gene Hale III
Director of Sales/Producer/Owner
​Gene is an accomplished Musician and Professional Bass Player with 31 years of live performance experience. Partnered up with SIRIUS THINKING Ltd. in 2002 (creators of the 11-time Emmy winning PBS series BETWEEN THE LIONS® and former head-writers from SESAME STREET® https://www.siriusthinking.com.
Co-Founded Melody Hounds in 2003 which is the Licensed Educational Outreach Provider for the interactive Curriculum-Based PBS Children's Series, Lomax: The Hound of Music TM. This highly participatory, 13-part children’s series was produced by the award-winning creators of the acclaimed children’s show Between the Lions® and writers of the award-winning Sesame Street®, along with renowned music educator John Feierabend, Ph.D.
Between 2004 -2010 Responsible for grass-roots growth and delivery of the educational outreach for the LOMAX series from 0 – 750+ programs Nationally, reaching 150K+ children ages 2.5 – 9 at their local YMCAs
Partnered up with NORTH SHORE ANIMAL LEAGUE AMERICA in 2009 (the world's largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization), which led to significant additional funding. https://www.animalleague.org.
Negotiated with NORTH SHORE ANIMAL LEAGUE AMERICA to sponsor Melody Hounds® while overseeing implementation of their new Mutt-i-grees® social emotional learning program (funded with $1M by the Ceaser Milan Foundation and developed by YALE UNIVERSITY) Nationwide to over 750 YMCA Child Development Sites https://education.muttigrees.org.